Lindsey's Life

Friday, December 31, 2010

Winter Camp- Week 1

Today was the last day of winter camp for the 5th graders. We had a ton of fun together, it was a really great bunch of kids. At the end of camp they all wrote letters to me and they were so sweet, I tried really hard to hold back the tears and I did!
Paper airplane darts! While it does not appear that they are learning English, I assure you they were! ;)
The boys making their airplanes. In the front, Robby, Robert and in the back Tim and Jay. I always get a kick out of the names they pick. These boys thought that Hunter was the funniest name ever.
Jenny and Jenna! These girls have always been a few of my favorites, although I try not to have favorites! But they always brighten my day and school with hugs and high fives. One day at camp, I was trying to get their attention so I said "Yoooo- hooooo". They thought it was the funniest thing ever and since started "Yooo-hooo, Lindsey teacher". Such fun memories!
We learned all about winter, the weather, clothes you wear, winter holidays, winter foods and so on. We finished up the day making 3-D snowflakes. They loved it and they especially loved the glitter that my mom sent. They made a huge mess but thats okay, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Jenna kept saying "Teacher, very sorrrry so dirty, oh very sorrry".
Ji Yun was my co-teacher this week. I really love her, she is just so chill and always tells me how "perfect" my lessons are! Ha! They are far from perfect but she is just so nice and helpful and encouraging!
They turned out really cool! Even the boys loved the glitter!
Robby and Jay!
So cute!
The girls, Lynn, Jane, Ann, Jenny and Jenna.
The last day of class was "cooking". I told them they have the choice to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I think it was lost in translation by my co-teacher because every student made a peanut butter, jelly, banana sandwich. The kids kept saying "Teacher this sandwich is popular in America"? I am not sure if that meant the liked it or not! But most of them gobbled it down!
Robby and Robert, best friends! They wanted the same name. Robert's classic line was "Teacher, Robby so cute-uh." Only in Korea! Ha! Robert did not like the peanut butter, "too greasy"!
Helen, Lynn and Ann. Ann wanted nothing to do with the camera.
Tim, he was the quiet one of the bunch but really sweet!
Jenna, she is so cute and always answers every questions with "Oh of course".

I sure will miss these kids! :(

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