Lindsey's Life

Saturday, January 1, 2011

We have a fresh start on our hands...Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe that it is already 2011! We rang in the new year kinda quietly this year. Down on Dadaepo beach they had a celebration with performances and fireworks. Okay, mind you it is FREEZING outside and these girls are up on stage in mini skirts! We watched the firework show from across the street in the warm bar. It was an awesome firework show. I must say that I have seen the best fireworks while living here.
Looking into the last night sky of 2010.

Saying good-bye to the year of the tiger, bring on the rabbit. The rabbit was on the other side of the stage, had I actually know that 2011 was the year of the rabbit I would have captured it to. However, I remember a conversation with my co-teacher a few months ago about how tiger print is becoming popular because 2011 is coming. Obviously, I misunderstood! Any who, year of the rabbit it is!
We topped the night off with some spicy BBQ'ed ribs at our favorite spot down the street. It it our tradition to hit up Baskin Robbins after ribs to cool our palate. It just so happened to be free size up night! Whoo!

Well, here we are in 2011, I have no idea what the year has in store and their is no real point in guessing but I think it is going to GOOD! I do have some plans up my sleeve and I am hoping they pan out but we will wait and see. I do know that I am super stoked to travel the first 4 months! We head to Japan on Jan. 19th and then we had to the Philippines on Feb. 26th to start our adventure around SE Asia.


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