Lindsey's Life

Monday, February 14, 2011

White out in Busan

Today I woke up to this! I could not believe my eyes, really! The night before we went out to norabong with some friends and came back late and I remember thinking that it was pleasant out! What a surprise, a white Valentine's day! Of course with communication issues, my school never informs me of late starts or if school is canceled or not. But I remember on my birthday last year it snowed a little and school was canceled for the students and the teachers did not have to come in until 10:00. Being that there was much more snow than last March I was sure it would be the same but we did have school, however I had no classes. They put a movie on over the broadcast system for the students to watch as they were too excited to pay any attention to any real lessons. Since it was the last week of school and 6th grade graduation was scheduled for Friday they did not want to take a snow day because it would mess the schedule up. It snowed all day and by the end of the day we must have had 9-10 inches of snow! Must be some sort of record for Busan. It still cracks me up if you say to a Korean, "Feels like it could snow" they will say "impossible, it never snows." I can say since living in Busan we have had 2 snow storms but there have been several snow flurries!

My school is freezing! I am not even kidding. This is dress for the weather work environment, I actually think it is colder in my school than outside most days. I usually wear a pair of long johns, 2-3 pairs of socks and at least 3 long sleeved shirt and sweater and my coat and scarf. Not joking, I feel like I am going skiing every morning getting ready. My student came up to me in the hall and said "Teacher smoking" because he could see his breath, in the school. Thats just not right!
This was the start of it
and this is about how much there was when I came home from school
All day I kept hearing, "Teacher, snow fight, snow fight". The kids had a hay day, we saw tons of snowmen in the making.
My Valentine! Justin bought me white roses, chocolate cake, a tub of Baskin Robbins ice cream and took me to Korean BBQ for dinner! Funny story about the roses, he originally bought a dozen red roses at the florist near our house. He said he came home and put them in a vase and was thinking, wow those are perfect roses to discover they were fake! Ha! So he marched back down there and told the lady he wanted real roses! So funny! It is very Korean to give fake flowers, in fact on graduation day at my school all the kids had foam roses!
Opps! The hill by our house was super slippery. We saw cars sliding all over the place. The best was watching these women try to tromp around in their heals. Men were having to carry them. I was just laughing inside. Then I saw men in their business suits and dress shoes just skating down the hill. I wish I had had a video camera! Pure entertainment!
This is by far the cutest little truck. It is a home delivery truck for the supermarket. I feel like I could kick it and it would tip over!
The best part about the snow storm was on Tuesday, second day of this, every teacher at my school had to shovel snow of the road up to the school so the teachers could drive to school on Wednesday and so the lunch truck could make it. Tuesday we did not have any lunch because the lunch truck could not make it up the hill. We spent over an hour with garden hoes and dust pans clearing the road. I seriously had blisters on my hands. Helen kept saying to me "Slow down, don't work so hard". You should have seen her speed, I was just trying to get it done!

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