Lindsey's Life

Monday, February 21, 2011

Last Week of School!

I finished school on Friday, I must say it is a bittersweet feeling. This year has truly been an amazing experience. I have learned so much about Korean culture, teaching, myself and so much more. There were the ups and downs but overall I would not change it in for something different. Justin and I always talk about had we known what we were getting into would we sign up all over again. My answer has changed throughout the year but I think I can honestly say that yes I would. I know I will not be able to think of my students without putting a smile on my face. It was a bummer being so far from everything but at the same time we were close to the beach, had better air quality and met some cool people! There were times when we were bored out of our minds in Dadaepo. I tried to remember during those times that it is not that often in your life when you have NOTHING to worry about and can just relax and read a book. In fact, I have read more books this year than in the last 5 combined. I know there is going to be a time I think back and just wish I was chillin in the Dadaepo apartment without a worry in the world!

It is sort of surreal that the year has pasted. In fact, it really does not feel real at all. I am a little sad that I did not get to do an official good-bye to my students. Good-byes and me don't really get along that well so it is something that I have known I would struggle with. But they told me last week that I would do my last English Broadcast on Wednesday so I prepared my good-bye speech. However, because of the snow Mondays broadcast was postponed until Wednesday, therefore mine was canceled. At the time I was relieved, I was really dreading it but at the same time was sad that I did not have a chance to officially say good-bye. Also, this week was just sort of strange because of the snow storm. I actually only had 2 real classes so I did not even get a chance to see the students really besides in the hall to say farewell. I am a little bummed about it and feel like I am just leaving but that is just the way it goes sometimes.

I was lucky to get this week off. The students have a one week spring break this week but the teachers have to go in to prepare for next semester. They let me off the hook so I could prepare to move. Tomorrow we are having a retirement party for the principle and then I will go in on Friday to say my good-byes to the teachers. Water works here I come! Oh well, I just have to accept that is just part of who I am.

Korea has been good to us but now it is time to move on and explore SE Asia which I could not be more excited about!

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