Lindsey's Life

Friday, January 14, 2011

1st and 2nd grade, final week of winter camp!

Today, I finished my 3 week winter camp! Wow, I never thought it was going to end! It is always such a pain preparing and planning but ends up being really fun. What I enjoy about camp is the opportunity to get to know the students better and establish relationships with them. It is hard to get to know the students during regular classes because I teach 4th, 5th and 6th grade and there are 7-8 classes of each grade with 25-30 students and I only see them once a week for 40 mins. I really enjoy the camp setting where I just have 8-15 students!
1st and 2nd grade are the most challenging for me because students don't start English class until 3rd grade in the public school system. Although, some do attend private school. The majority can't understand any English which makes it hard! We studied the alphabet and made A's with yarn the first day.
Jack, he is so cute and even rocks gold chains! :)
Noah! Probably the cutest kid is class, he would walk in each morning and I would say "Good morning Noah" and his response was always "Nice to meet you". So cute!
June! He is a 2nd grader and his English is really good! Christina my co-teacher for 1st and 2nd grade was a bit challenging for me to teach with and made every student say all the vocab. I taught them this week before they could get a candy. June said them all perfectly! I taught them that jam and jelly and when she pointed to the flash card he stood up and said "Jam or jelly". Way to go June, at least someone is paying attention!
Lizzy and Sarah, sweet girls!
Joe and Jack!
Jenny and Lynn. Lynn's English is also pretty good and she has the cutest smile but was to shy for the camera but still cute!
Cindy, she was just precious! She tried so hard and really did improve. She could almost name all the vocab. words too! So proud!
Overall camp was a success! This week these students learn greetings, about their family, winter, shapes and cooking! In all they learned about 36 new vocabulary words, 6 a day! It was fun while it lasted by I am really looking forward to the next 23 days of vacation! Whoo!

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