Lindsey's Life

Monday, January 10, 2011

And the count downs begin!

As I was sitting here I started some count downs, well I have already had the counts downs going but not officially! So....
14 days left of school, which means only 14 more days sitting in this office!
4 days left of winter camp.
10 days left of regular school! They have not told me if I am teaching or not.
4 weekends left in Busan, this is excluding the weekends we will be in Japan.
8 school lunches left to consume.
46 days until we leave for the Philippines.
37 days actually left in Busan.
35 nights left in the Dadaepo apartment!

To be honest, I am starting to feel a bit sad! This has truly been a great year and I have learned so much about Korean culture, myself, teaching etc. I will miss the students and co-teachers the most and the laid back life style! Justin and I always say we probably won't have it this easy for awhile and we will end up thinking back "Remember when we would sit in the Dadaepo apartment with nothing to do or worry about, don't you wish we were back there! Life was so chill!" Ha, I know those thoughts will come so I am trying to embrace each second we have left here!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you started updating your blog again! I love seeing the pictures and hearing what you are up to. I am so envious of your travels and living in Korea! I am looking forward to seeing you when you are back in Seattle!!
