Lindsey's Life

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ahn-nyeong-hee kay-se-yo (Good-bye, Stay well) Busan, Hello Philippines!

Today was a mad rush to get out the door at 6:00pm. Ji Yoon dropped the new teachers off and picked us up to take us to the airport. We felt a bit like cattle getting shuffled in and out. We were not ready until 6:00pm sharp, they came a bit early and I was still running trash and used clothes downstairs to dispose of and Justin was still trying to get his money transferred to the USA. It was crazy because my school did not pay me until 4:10pm on Friday and the banks close at 4:30. I did not get a chance to close any of my bank accounts because I needed to transfer the money home first and by that time the bank was closed. They were not willing to do it any earlier, that was a bit frustrating. On our way down to meet Ji Yoon, Justin ran one more bag of trash to the dumpster and it had some things that should have been recycled and he was trying to toss a few more clothing items. I guess the security guard followed him over there and was all bent out of shape digging through the bag. We were good recyclers all year but we did not want to leave a mess at the apartment. Justin ended up just bringing the clothes to the airport and tossed them there. I had already taken all the donations so what were we to do?
Re-organizing our bags in the airport. We realized very quickly we had too much stuff!
Getting settled in for our 6 hour layover in Cebu. We were in the Cebu airport from 11:45pm to 6:10am. It seemed like a good idea back in December when we bought the tickets, but that makes for a really long trip. From Cebu we flew to Manila where we had almost a 5 hour layover. Our flight arrived 25 mins early. From Manila we flew to Legazpi on Zest airlines. I had been dreading that flight as their track record is not so hot. We actually were just chillin in the airport until about an hour before our flight when we decided we better make our way to our gate. Well it turned out that Zest airlines flies out of the old airport! Sheesh, who knew? So we hopped in a cab and he zipped us over there for about 3 times what it should have cost. We learned real quick to only take metered cabs. We made it though and our flight was even delayed so we had plenty of time and landed safe and sound in Legazpi. From Legzpi we met a bunch of other tourists and we piled in a van to Donsol for only about $1.50 each. 20 hours later we arrived at our destination for the next two nights.

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